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Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums since 1997

Trailer float full of scouts from Pack 214 at the Smoky Hill Museum Street Fair parade.

2024 Street Fair Parade

Scroll Down for Parade Form

It may be cliché, but everybody loves a parade and the Smoky Hill Museum Street Fair Parade is no exception. That is why the Smoky Hill Museum is seeking entries for the 2024 Street Fair Parade. 

This year’s Smoky Hill Museum Street Fair Parade will once again feature an autumn or Old West theme. Decorated parade entries are highly encouraged for it is the quality and variety of the entries that play an important role in the Street Fair’s popularity.

Parade applications must be returned by Friday, August 30, in order to participate. An information packet will be sent to all entries on September 11. On September 28, the parade entry sign‐in will begin at 9:00 a.m. at Fire Station #1 on Elm Street. Participants must be signed in and in place by 9:45 a.m. The parade will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Thank you for your participation in this festival of fun. If you have any questions, please contact Rosa De la Cruz.

Parade Entry Form
Does your entry have music?

By acceptance of this agreement, it is understood that the entrant(s) agrees:

a) To assume all risk, and release the Smoky Hill Museum/Salina Arts and Humanities Department /City of Salina from any liability for any injuries or damages to parade entries (including all persons and property) as a result of his duties under this agreement.

b) That this is a contract for services, and is not an employment contract. Smoky Hill Museum/Salina Arts and Humanities Department /City of Salina agrees to accept this contract without a certificate of insurance.

c) Being of legal age, I hereby consent that the videotapes and photographs in which I/my child appear, and /or audio recordings made of my/my child’s voice be used by the City of Salina Smoky Hill Museum, its assigns or successors. This may include print, broadcast, electronic or other media deemed appropriate by the Smoky Hill Museum and the City of Salina. Furthermore, I hereby consent that such photographs, films and recordings made shall be their property, and they shall have the right to sell, duplicate, reproduce and make use of such photographs, film recordings, tapes as they may desire free and clear of any claim whatever on my part.

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