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Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums since 1997

Exhibit display developed by the Smoky Hill Museum talking about the Homestead Act 1862.

​Traveling Exhibits

Kansas in the early days was filled with challenges and plenty of dangers, and that was just getting here. Imagine arriving in a vast wilderness with few resources and enduring all that Kansas weather can muster. With limited options for supplies, making a home on the prairie was not for the timid or faint of heart. For most, that idea sounds extremely daunting. Nonetheless, thousands traveled to Kansas to stake their claim and make a new life.

Explore the settling of Kansas. Hear from those who risked it all through diary entries. These stories share the decisions immigrants made, the hardships they faced and the hope that brought them to Kansas.

Exhibit display developed by the Smoky Hill Museum on World War one for the exhibit "Live in the Trenches" "Life in the Trenches".

Life in the Trenches

Originally an exhibit about Company M of Salina, Life in the Trenches morphed into a traveling exhibit focusing on the miserable nature of the trenches using vivid, first-hand accounts from Kansas soldiers of their ordeals, trials, and tribulations.

This mobile exhibit comes in a flexible arrangement that can be modified to meet your space requirements. Students, teachers, and visitors will love the concise story that focuses on Kansas soldiers in the trenches of WWI. Included with this exhibit are three interactive elements and a packet of educational activities that can be utilized by staff and/or teachers to expand upon the topics covered.

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